Transformer is a static electrical device which transforms voltage/current and transfers power with out change in frequency. The basic principle of transformer is the electromagnetic induction.
Basic Principle:
Basically a transformer is a pair of coils wound on a ferromagnetic core as shown in figure. The reason for using ferromagnetic core is that it results in high values of magnetic flux linkages. The vertical portions of the core are referred to as limbs and the top and bottom portions are the yokes. The winding which is connected to the supply is called primary and the winding connected to the load is called secondary.
When an alternating voltage is applied across the primary winding, it results in a current and produces an alternating flux Q in the core. This flux links with the secondary winding also and induces a voltage in it.

N1I1 = N2I2
If it is assumed that there is no loss in the transformer, then
The above relations can be summarized as,
K = N1/N2 = Vl/V2 = I2/Il

Ideal transformer:
A transformer having no losses in it is called an ideal transformer. An ideal transformer has no leakage reactance (all the flux produced by the primary winding links with the secondary), no I2R loss in the winding and no core losses. In practice, it is impossible to realize such a transformer.
For ideal transformer
K = E1/E2 = Vl/V2 = I2/Il
A small percentage of flux produced by both the windings does not link with the other winding. This flux is called leakage flux. The primary leakage flux induces a voltage in the primary winding alone and the effect of this is like having a reactance in series with the winding. This reactance is called the primary leakage reactance. Similarly there is a secondary leakage reactance due to the leakage flux in the secondary winding.
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