Electrical, Mechanical, Civil Engineering Objective Questions And Answers And Short Questions Answers For Exam, Tests and Interview Selections

Saturday 30 April 2016

Measurements Instrumentation Objective Type Questions Answers: Part-10

Measurements Instrumentation Objective Type Questions Answers: Part-10

[1] A 12 bit counter type A/D converter uses a 1 MHz clock. Its maximum conversion time is
A) 1 μs
B) 12μs
C) 4096μs
D) 4μs

[2] A 12 bit counter type A/D converter uses a 1 MHz clock. Its maximum conversion rate is
A) 106 conversions/sec
B) 244 conversions/sec
C) 488 conversions/sec
D) 83 kilo conversions/sec

[3] An 8 bit converter type A/D converter makes at least 8000conversions/sec. The clock frequency used is
A) 2MHz
B)  8MHz
C)  1MHz
D)  4MHz

[4] The conversion time of a 12 bit successive approximation A/D converter using a 1 MHz clock is 
A) 1 μs
B) 12μs
C) 4096μs
D) 4095μs

[5] The resolution of a 12 bit D/A converter using a binary ladder is 
A) 4096
B) 0.02%
C) 2.4%
D) 4%

[6] A 12 bit counter type A/D converter uses a 1 MHz clock. If the full scale output is +10V, its resolution output is
A) 2.44mV
B) 2.4mV
C) 0.02V
D) 0.02mV

[7] A 10 bit resistive divider is constructed such that the current through the LSB resistor is 100μA. The maximum current that will flow through the MSB resistor is  
A) 200μA.
B) 1mA
C) 51.2mA 
D) 102.4mA

[8] For a certain 4 bit successive approximation A/D converter, the maximum ladder output is +8V. if a constant +6V is applied to the analog input the sequence of binary states for the SA register is 
A) 1111
B) 1010
C) 0110
D) 1011

[9] In the case of power measurement by two wattmeter method in a balanced 3Φ system with a pure inductive load 
A) both the  Wattmeter will indicate the same but of opposite sign.
B) both the Wattmeters will indicate zero.
C) both the Wattmeters will indicate same value and of the same sign.
D) one Wattmeter will indicate zero and the other non-zero value.

[10] The sensitivity of an instrument is 
A) smallest increment in the output the can be detected with certainity.
B) largest input change to which the instrument fails to respond.
C) ratio of the change in the magnitude of the output to the corresponding change in the magnitude of the input.
D) closeness of the output values for repeated applications of a constant input.

Thanks for reading...

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