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Friday 22 July 2016

Working with Excel files in MATLAB - Part 1

MATLAB have many builtin functions to work with Excel files. In this post, we will discuss some of the common functions to work with Excel files.  It is easy to interact with an excel file using xlswrite and xlsread commands. First we will make an sample excel file test.xlsx which contain grades of students in a class.

xlsread ( ) - Read Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file

The xlsread function reads data from the first worksheet of a Microsoft Excel file and save the numeric data in a array. If the file contains only numeric data the syntax is:
A = xlsread(‘filename’)
The ‘filename’ is a string with full name of the excel file (with path if the file is not in the current folder). The numeric data in the first work sheet of the file will be saved to the variable A. There are optional arguments to set the work sheet and the range to be read.
A= xlsread(‘filename’, ‘worksheet’, ‘range’)
The range is specified in the same way as represented in the excel equations (e.g. C2:F12).
If the file contains nonnumeric data, the syntax is modified as:
[NUM,TXT,RAW]=xlsread(‘filename’, ‘worksheet’, ‘range’)
The dat in the file will be saved as, numeric data in the variable NUM, text data in the variable TXT and the unprocessed data will be save as a cell array RAW. The cell array RAW will contain all the data in the worksheet.

Consider the file test.xlsx, which contain the grades of students. The numeric data is stored in the range C2:F6.
>> a=xlsread('test.xlsx', 'C2:F6')
a =
   11.5000   13.0000   18.0000   42.5000
    5.7500   10.0000   15.0000   30.7500
   14.0000   12.0000   16.0000   42.0000
   10.0000    8.2500   18.0000   36.2500
   14.2500   13.0000   20.0000   47.2500
To read all the data,
>> [a,b,c]=xlsread('test.xlsx')
a =
   1.0e+05 *
    3.3213       NaN    0.0001    0.0001    0.0002    0.0004
    3.3217       NaN    0.0001    0.0001    0.0001    0.0003
    3.4104       NaN    0.0001    0.0001    0.0002    0.0004
    3.4105       NaN    0.0001    0.0001    0.0002    0.0004
    3.4105       NaN    0.0001    0.0001    0.0002    0.0005

b =
    'ID'    'Name'    'Mark 1'    'Mark 2'    'Mark 3' 'Total'
    ''      'Bob'     ''          ''          ''          ''    
    ''      'Jil'     ''          ''          ''          ''    
    ''      'John'    ''          ''          ''          ''    
    ''      'Ken'     ''          ''          ''          ''    
    ''      'Eva'     ''          ''          ''          ''    

c =
'ID'       'Name'    'Mark 1'     'Mark 2'    'Mark 3' 'Total' 
[332133]    'Bob'     [11.5000]    [  13]    [  18]  [42.5000]
[332166]    'Jil'     [ 5.7500]    [  10]    [  15]  [30.7500]
[341041]    'John'    [     14]    [   12]   [  16]  [     42]
[341046]    'Ken'     [     10]   [8.2500]   [  18]  [36.2500]
[341052]    'Eva'     [14.2500]    [   13]   [  20]  [47.2500]

readtable( ) - Create table from file

readtable function is used to read not only excel files. \it read from different file types and sane as a MATLAB table.
T = readtable(‘filename’) is the basic syntax. There are optional arguments to set the file type and many other attributes based on the type of the file.

>> T = readtable('test.xlsx')

Warning: Variable names were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers.

T =

        ID         Name      Mark1    Mark2    Mark3    Total

    __________    _______    _____    _____    _____    _____

    3.3213e+05    'Bob'       11.5      13     18        42.5

    3.3217e+05    'Jil'       5.75      10     15       30.75

    3.4104e+05    'John'        14      12     16          42

    3.4105e+05    'Ken'         10    8.25     18       36.25

    3.4105e+05    'Eva'      14.25      13     20       47.25

      3.42e+05    'James'     12.5      13     20        45.5

      3.42e+05    'Anna'        12    10.5     16        38.5

Like in the xlsread function, read table also have optional arguments to read a specific worksheet and range. For more details refer Matlab Help.

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