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Friday 29 January 2016

Simple DiSEqC monitor and signal analyzer

DiSEqC™ is a protocol developed by Eutelsat. It is widely used in satellite receiving equipment to control devices over the same coaxial cable that carries RF signal. DiSEqC can be used to select a local oscillator of the LNB, to operate a LNB switch or to point a motorized dish.

But when a device communication fault arises, the source of the problem may be difficult to find. The coaxial cable that goes from receiver to accessories and finally to LNB carries multiple signals: the radio frequency signal from LNB to receiver, the power voltage from receiver to connected devices and LNB and the DiSEqC signal. Faults can be caused by receiver, cable, accessories (switch, positioner, motor) or LNB.

The simple computer adapter that will be described allows you to view and analyze DiSEqC waveform using the soundcard input and Audacity software. This is possible because the protocol is modulated over a 22 kHz carrier. The same carrier (when sent continuously, at a smaller amplitude) tells the LNB to switch on the high local oscillator.

Simple DiSEqC monitor and signal analyzer
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